Polyester Fabric


<h3>Supply Chain Scenario

Woven polyester fabric from petrochemical sources

<h3>Data Sources

Plastics Europe Eco-Profile (polyester); U.S. LCI Database Project: PET; Danish EPA Environmental Assessment of Textiles (1997); Handbook of Fiber Chemistry (2007)

<h3>Raw Material Factor

Kg raw material required for 1 kg yarn/subcomponent: 1.00

<h3>Data Quality Assessment


<h3>Geographic Location

fiber in Indonesia; yarn and textile in Indonesia

<h3>Production Method

combination of purified PTA and DMT routes to polymerization, pellet, melt spun. filament, yarn spinning, woven greige, disperse dyes, jet dyed, finished

<h3>Chemistry Exposure Assumptions

Phase 1: Indonesia moderate to high exposure Phase 2: Indonesia moderate to high exposure